How does GVRE make money?

Written by Alexander Bains
Updated 2 years ago

GVRE offers new ways to buy and sell homes designed to reduce stress and increase your chances of success. Because our approaches are new, our customers naturally wonder how exactly we make money.

The answer is simple. We collect a sales commission just like any real estate agent or brokerage. What makes GVRE different is that we offer much more value to our customers for the same commission as traditional real estate agents charge.


Our commissions differ from city to city to match the local needs and norms of each area, as shown in the table below.

Similar to all Canadian real estate brokerages, part of the sales commission we collect is given directly to the GVRE real estate agent assigned to sell each home, and part is also given to the real estate agent representing the buyer of the home.

GVRE believes in reinvesting our commission to provide unparalleled value to our clients through tech-enabled solutions.



Greater Vancouver

7% on the first $100,000 + 2.5% on the balance

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